What angle should you be taking for your digital marketing in 2022, well since the pandemic it’s all changed how consumers interact with you as a company, especially when it comes to purchasing (more about Social Commerce in a later blog). The one thing which we have always promoted to our clients is the power of video, see our previous blog in 2019 SEO Tips . Nothing grabs your audience better and is one of the most powerful ways of gaining more attention to your company, products and services.
Our Top Tip For Digital Marketing In 2022 – Videos

Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash
We have certainly seen a huge increase with Google showing video snippets, with a high proportion answering voice search, with How-To video answers… and when you think about it this is obvious.
Most people now will ask their mobile or tablet a question, so if you are able to create a short and engaging video related to your product or service then you are already going to see better results in traffic over time…… remember it takes time to build your ranking, there is no magic wand to take you to number one ranking overnight… no matter what you are promised!
What Video To Create?
Think about what your products are used for, here is an example:
You are an online store selling dresses……
Firstly you need to find out what your target audience is looking for when they do a voice search, we will keep it simple and suggest to begin typing in a Google search to see what results in Google is offering you… I began typing ‘what to wear on a casual…’ the results showed ‘what to wear on a casual first date female’ as its top answer.
So we now have our headline ‘Ladies Here Is What You Should Be Wearing On Your First Date!’
Now all you need to do is create a video, make sure you create sections to your video, such as…….For a blind date, For a casual date, For a formal date, For a date during the day, For a date during the evening, For a date at the races etc…
TIP: Great free online keyword search – Keyword Tool
Optimise Your Video
Adding the section layers of the video helps not only viewers find what they are looking for but also Google, so if someone puts in a search specifically say for example ‘what to wear for a date at the races?’ then that section of your video has more chance of being picked for a video snippet.
Focusing on YouTube which will automatically create Closed Captions, also referred to as ‘CC’ it is better to create your own so you can be in control of the wording and make it accurate.
Make sure you follow all the usual rules of SEO, take a look at Better Meta as well as ensure you optimise all your tags in the same way that you would a normal website page.

Photo by Collabstr on Unsplash
Finally, once you have your video and it has been uploaded… PROMOTE IT! on all of your social media channels as well as on your website.
YouTube is the most well known for uploading your videos but over time new platforms emerge and of course, there is a great advantage to sharing your videos across your social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and TikTok…
Videos on TikTok
When TikTok first came along it was very much considered for children, however, TikTok has grown in popularity and is used by all generations and continues to grow. You will now see many TikTok videos being shared across other social media platforms… showing us that it is here to stay.
I strongly recommend you spend some time on TikTok to get your head around it before you decide to start posting, be warned though…… you will lose hours watching random stuff……….which is great as this is our point… everyone loves watching videos!
Marketing in TikTok is a whole other blog, so keep checking back as we will be posting one very soon!
NOTE: Useful Tools – Wave.Video