Let us take a look at what Google is taking into consideration when ranking your website when it comes to page quality…
What Is Page Quality (PQ)
One of the many factors which Google is looking at when assessing your website is Page Quality. Page quality is how Google ranks the importance of a page on a website, the grade is given by Page Quality raters who evaluate how well a page is achieving its purpose.. let’s look at that in more depth….

The Purpose Of The Page
In order for your website to rank well, you need to ask yourself the same questions which google is asking when assessing your site.
What is the purpose of the page?
Sometimes it can be difficult to assess your own site and it is well worth asking friends, family or any business groups you belong to, to take a look at your website and give an honest answer of whether they clearly understand what it is you do, what you offer, and what they interpreted from visiting your website.
Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (E-A-T)
Google is looking at Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (Google considers this to be an important quality characteristic). It will be looking at the main content checking on quality and amount of copy. It will also be checking who created the main content and will be looking for knowledge and reputation associated with the main author. Therefore it is important to highlight your content creators experience, whether that be as an owner of the business, or an award-winning writer. If you are an expert in your field because you have years of knowledge and not necessarily certificates or anything ‘formal’ to back you, that is OK, Google considers you to have an “everyday expertise”.

Page Quality Summary
In a nutshell, you should be looking to create content with is accurate and comprehensive, which is clear to the visitor, as well as meeting the standards related to your topic or field of expertise.

Page Quality Top Tips
Always make it clear who has created the content on your website whether it be an individual, company, or business.
- Make sure you are clear on how people can contact you, give emails, telephone numbers and business addresses. Make it clear how potential customers can get hold of you before during and after they have made a transaction.
- Encourage your customers to leave reviews, you can not please everyone all of the time, but it is how you respond to the negative reviews which are also taken into consideration…… gaining trust is very important.
- Do not allow ads, or pop-ups to interfere with a visitor whilst they read the content.
- Take time, plan and research the information you are sharing. Be honest and stick to your field of expertise.
For a more in-depth read take a look at the Google Guidelines they lay out for their Page Quality Raters.
If you are looking at how to increase your website’s ranking you might be interested in some of our previous blogs such as Content Tips and Internal Linking
If you would like to learn more about how we can help you rank higher please get in touch with us, we have SEO packages to suit all budgets!