The Brief:
LEYC (Legacy Early Years & Childcare) approached us as they were in need of a complete revamp of their existing website which had become dated and was not responsive on mobiles and other devices.
It was important that the company branding remained and working with our designers the companies existing colour pallet was used to create a fresher design in keeping with their recognisable branding.
The new brochure website needed to be fast loading, visually interesting and easy menu navigation.
LEYC also required a counter functionality to show completed projects, as well as testimonials.

The Result:
Amazing brochure website, with a brand refresh.
Easy navigation menu, with a home page that clearly delivers the companies message.
A counter functionality was implemented to show all the completed projects the company had undertaken, as well as clearly showing the benefits that their customers have experienced following on from LEYC’ assistance.
It was important that clients testimonials were clearly shown on the home page to further promote LEYC’s work and give confidence to future clients.
A contact form is easy to access from the home page, which works perfectly on all viewing devices making it easy for customers to contact the company.
The website is full of useful information for other businesses as well as for parents, all the information is set out in an easy interesting way to maintain interest.